October 2011 - THIS week's PICTURE

Floor grain and legs: Joiner photograph by Malcolm Aslett

Ah, you know an art photograph when you have to think what it is supposed to be about. A little boy's legs on a grainy wooden floor with a bottle of skin cream. Is it about a little boy having skin cream put on his legs on a glaringly sunny day in the shade of an old house or is it about the differing textures of surfaces? Or the anonymity of pattern and randomness? Or is it the irony of having a scene we look down to now being transposed to the plane of a wall? Well, as a photographer it is sometimes best too think like an LA cop - shoot first and then ask questions later (yep, someone will have something to say about that line). See what comes out. And this is what comes out. And idea up front is better with joiners to be truthful. If you have some idea what you are working to achieve it helps immeasurably. But there is hardly anything lost in simply snapping at what you see before you on occasion.



